Всего сообщений: 9
Дата регистрации: 29.04.2010
Создано: 16.11.2010 00:48:13
Стоит Win2003sp1, на нем - Exchange 2003
в журнале логов периодически появляется ошибка Exchange Transport:
Received error while processing address space. Examine the connector with this address space and make sure it is legal. If unsure, delete it and recreate via UI. This should ensure it is correct. Address Space = (X500:/o=NashSite/ou=*.*/*) Hr = c0040385
Захожу в Exchange-System-Connector-Address Space. Стоит адрес * (все домены) и флажок Entire organization (Вся организация) В чем может быть ошибка?
вот тут похожая тема, но там ничего нет..
Дмитрий (Dakl)
Заслуженный посетитель
Всего сообщений: 2856
Дата регистрации: 20.09.2006
Создано: 16.11.2010 02:01:07
Повысьте диагностику для MSExchangeTrasnport и перезапустите службы EXCH
Кидайте сюда EventID тех варнингов, которые полезут в лог.
C уважением Д.К.
Всего сообщений: 9
Дата регистрации: 29.04.2010
Создано: 17.11.2010 04:51:42
Повысил до Medium
13:16 Categorizer is refreshing its LDAP server configuration.
12:28 Following connector's linkstate is suppressed because it either points to or comes from a leaf RG node.
12:28 Received error while processing address space. Examine the connector with this address space and make sure it is legal. If unsure, delete it and recreate via UI. This should ensure it is correct. Address Space = (X500:/o=NashSite/ou=*.*/*) Hr = c0040385
12:13 Categorizer is using LDAP server Host: "exchange.NashSite.ru", Port: 3268, Base priority: 0, Bind type: 3, Naming Context: "", Account: "
12:13 Categorizer is refreshing its LDAP server configuration.
Дмитрий (Dakl)
Заслуженный посетитель
Всего сообщений: 2856
Дата регистрации: 20.09.2006
Создано: 17.11.2010 05:53:16
tip1 пишет:
Повысил до Medium |
А максимум выставить религия не позволяет
Ну что за полумеры...
Можно вообще через реестр выставить уровень 7.
C уважением Д.К.
Всего сообщений: 9
Дата регистрации: 29.04.2010
Создано: 17.11.2010 08:08:47
Following connector's linkstate is suppressed because it either points to or comes from a leaf RG node - не знаю, по-моему, в этой фразе что -то есть (коннектор подавлен, однако).
Ну ладно, выставлю на максимум.
Всего сообщений: 9
Дата регистрации: 29.04.2010
Создано: 18.11.2010 01:07:55
Вот, выкладываю по макс. детализации
8:12 MSE Transport: Categorizer is refreshing its LDAP server configuration.
7:58 MSE Transport: Following connector's linkstate is suppressed because it either points to or comes from a leaf RG node.
7:48 MSE Transport: Received error while processing address space. Examine the connector with this address space and make sure it is legal. If unsure, delete it and recreate via UI. This should ensure it is correct. Address Space = (X500:/o=NashSite/ou=*.*/*) Hr = c0040385
7:46 MSE Transport: Categorizer is using LDAP server Host: "exchange.NashSite.ru", Port: 3268, Base priority: 0, Bind type: 3, Naming Context: "", Account: ""
7:46 MSE Transport: Categorizer is refreshing its LDAP server configuration.
7:36 MSE Transport: This master server received a one level (Connector) call back. However no DS change has been detected and no major version increase will occur as a result. This should not result in reset route or updated routing packets being sent out to its slave servers and neighboring routing groups
7:36 MSE Transport: This master server received a base level (Routing group) call back. However no DS change has been detected and no user version increase will occur as a result. This should not result in reset route or updated routing packets being sent out to its slave servers and neighboring routing groups.
4:27 MSE Transport: Categorizer is using LDAP server Host: "exchange.NashSite.ru", Port: 3268, Base priority: 0, Bind type: 3, Naming Context: "", Account: ""
4:27 MSE Transport Categorizer is refreshing its LDAP server configuration.
3:24 MSE Transport: Categorizer is using LDAP server Host: "exchange.NashSite.ru", Port: 3268, Base priority: 0, Bind type: 3, Naming Context: "", Account: ""
3:15 MSExchange Public st: The database "First Storage Group\Public Folder Store (EXCHANGE)" has 32 megabytes of free space after online defragmentation has terminated.
3:15 ESE:Information Store (3200) First Storage Group: Online defragmentation has completed a full pass on database 'C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\mdbdata\pub1.edb'.